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Femto Laser Question

By Kimberly Strassner posted 12-24-2014 09:32

We recently purchased a femto machine for cataract  surgery.  We have a Radiology tech that has completed the  training  to run the machine.  Has anyone allowed a trained  tech to give eye drops, Initiate the time out, document the procedure and transport the patient.  Right now we have an RN in the room as well as her but I was wondering if we can staff the room with just her if needed.  I know we would have to update her job description and give her extensive training but I was just wondering if it is community standard.



04-01-2015 13:50

WE have an OT from the clinic run the machine. The physician is present the entire time, as is our CRNA, The CRNA positions the patient on the stretcher, and under the machine, She gives all drops, monitors the patient with EKG, pulse oximeter, and BP, and gives some sedation.. The CRNA then pushes the stretcher next door to the prep room for the surgical prep, and more sedation. The patient then is pushed into the OR from there.

03-06-2015 11:55

We trained our circulating nurses and they set the machine up and run it along with the surgeon. It actually works really well.

02-17-2015 11:30

Giving eye drops would need to be addressed with the state licensing agent for the Radiology tech. Time outs should be directed by the physician but if you are in a procedure room or OR I am sure your state will require an RN. Contact the facility licensing board. They want you to ask questions and are usually happy to help. Get the name of the person or persons you spoke with and get in writing if possible.