This guide provides important information regarding the dynamic comparison, filtering and reporting features of the survey platform. #Guide #PresentationorSlides #FinancialBenchmarking
This webinar was presented by Florida Medical Quality Assurance, Inc. (FMQAI) Project Coordinator Reneé Parks RN, BSN. After this presentation, attendees will be able to: •Identify the web-based measures •Understand the submission process, including how to locate and report the measures ...
FMQAI Webinar 06052013.pdf
Why Aren't More Americans Getting the Test that Could Save Their Lives?: Presentation by Thomas Deas, Jr., MD, President, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy at the Capitol Hill Briefing on Colorectal Cancer Prevention, March 20, 2013. #PresentationorSlides
Dr Deas Breifing Powerpoint Final.ppt
Colon Cancer Risk Reduction: Presentation by Neil Julie, MD, at the Capitol Hill Briefing on Colorectal Cancer Prevention, March 20, 2013. #PresentationorSlides
CRC Risk Reduc BRIEFING-pp.pptx
This webinar will provide you with information about implementing an ASC quality reporting program. You will learn about the 2012 quality measures, and how to report them in order to avoid reduced payments from Medicare in the future. Information will also be provided in regards to future...
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