Becky Ziegler-Otis, MHA, RHIA, CPHQ, CHC, CASC
Regulatory/Accreditation Specialist/Healthcare Consultant, Wausau Surgery Center
Becky is an avid proponent of the ASC industry, is certified as a Surgery Center Administrator, and currently serves on the ASCA Board. She was employed for thirteen years as the ASC Administrator of a multi-specialty independent surgical center and remains active in the ASC space as the Assistant Executive Director of the ASC Quality Collaboration and in consulting/assisting surgical centers with regulatory, and operational projects.
With a background in leadership, performance improvement including benchmarking, healthcare compliance, survey preparation, health information management, and revenue cycle management, her career expands the entire healthcare spectrum, encompassing acute care, long-term care, psychiatric care, outpatient clinics, and outpatient surgery.