Important Reminders
To report ASC-1, ASC-2, ASC-3, ASC-4, ASC-9, ASC-13, ASC-14 and the Facility Commitment to Health Equity (FCHE) measure via the Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) secure portal as required, your ASC must first register a Security Official on that site. Registration instructions can be found on the QualityNet site. (Tip: Allow plenty of time for this process.) It is recommended that each facility have two or more Security Officials. Once registered, the Security Officials(s) will need to log in at least every 60 days to ensure the account remains active. More information is also available in a 2021 ASC Focus Digital Debut piece on HARP enrollment.
If you need assistance, please call the QualityNet Help Desk at 866.288.8912 or contact ASCQR Program Support through the Quality Question and Answer Tool.