Become an Exhibitor/Sponsor

Exhibiting with ASCA is an excellent opportunity to reach a professional, qualified audience that represents the entire ambulatory surgery industry. You can maximize your sales efforts and show a definite return on your investment by showcasing your products or services at ASCA 2025. Previous exhibitors and sponsors know the value of the ambulatory surgery market and demonstrate their satisfaction through continued support, year after year.

For more information on exhibiting and sponsorships, please contact Alex Yewdell at or Chris Schriever at

Already an exhibitor or sponsor?

Visit the Exhibitor/Sponsor Service Center to prepare for the upcoming conference.


Suitcasing is a business practice by which companies gain access to an event by obtaining event credentials (attendee badge, expo-only badge etc.) and then solicit business in the aisles or other public spaces used for the conference. This practice works counter to the business interests of legitimate ASCA exhibitors. Any individual identified or reported to be violating this policy will have their credentials revoked and escorted from the Expo Hall.